
Monday, June 20, 2005

"Exalted Cyclops"

It is common knowledge among political junkies that the senior Democrat in the Senate, Robert Byrd from West Virginia has admitted his ties to the Klan in his younger years. This is not news.

What amazes me is that intelligent journalists from far left wing rags like the Seattle Post Intelligencer give him a pass. They even blame Republicans for trying to drag his "good" name through the mud.

It's sick: Here is an example--- It's a mistake he has paid for time and again, the only significant scandal ever attached to a man who grew up in Wolf Creek Hollow and who next June stands to become the longest-serving senator in U.S. history.
Even now, with the 2006 election more than 18 months away, Republicans are using it in their campaign to oust him. Byrd has not declared whether he will run again, and his book gives no hints.

So let me get this straight--a powerful white male racist bigot from the south-who has admitted his ties and leadership in the most notorious hate organization in the US--is running for re-election to the highest deliberative body in the US--and he has a cheering section in the Seatle Post Intelligencer? The guy was unanimously elected the "Exalted Cyclops" of his local chapter!!?!?! He served as "Kleagle" (that's like recruiting chairman) for years after he supposedly cut ties....and somehow he will be the longest serving senator in US history!?!?!

Oh wait...he's a Democrat, so it's OK. Never mind. I thought there was a reason to be outraged, but I must not have noticed the little "D" in front of his name. Did I mention that he opposed the Civil Rights act, going so far as to mount the longest filibuster in Senate history....oh and he voted against Thurgood Marshal, (first black Supreme Court justice) which he followed up by opposing and voting against Clarence Thomas (The second black Supreme Court Justice and justice Marshal's replacement). But he cut his ties...made amends, apologized, he's a good guy just made one little mistake.....

I couldn't make this stuff up.


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